Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Posted by Barleen at 4:42 AM 1 comments


Day and night there is one thing that goes into mind wide and astray…..

Will I be able to reach that garden of bliss will I be able to do something big in my life….,what about my parents wish will they happy with what I do…Supposively I am not successful someday then..Will I be happy in my, married life...Wont there be trifles with him….

Half of our life is consumed by these INSECURITIES isn’t it……and by now there is something making me feels insecure even more. The one who is reading my article might be thinking how irregular is she at her English….she has made a bizarre of it……well quite true….insecurities are what we are surrounded by always…they often retard our performance isn’t it??????

Because what follows insecurities is a way long of vices such as the jealousy, envy, criticism , fear, cowardice and what not…………

Human beings today are entrapped in their own world of insecurities…………………

Take this one…….party tonight!!!….sizzling actress insecured whether she will be able to maintain her charm at the party or not….…will all be enthralled or lured by her acts………another corporate boy feels will he make a mark in the industry…….

My entire aim to write this was to just relax myself spitting my heart…if anyone can suggest me what I can do tell me….


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