Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Posted by Barleen at 11:52 PM

9/11 attacks cause or consequences


A very Goodmorning to all present here I am Barleen kaur

Five years on, everyone has a theory about the real causes of 9/11. They range from the nutty (it was the US government) to the plausible but flawed (a response to foreign occupation) to the credible (collateral damage from a clash within Islam). but yet there is something left which is huge and that is the unmasterable effect of this catastrophe that makes me stand hereand say that yes 9/11 is not consequence it is a cause to jolt the administration of nations, bewilder the people to leave unretrievable impacts on the lives of people.

I have four locks that would make my point more clear

Lock of health

lock of economy

and other lock that is the lock of unity

the master lock-lock of terrorism

The attacks had a significant economic impact on the United States and world markets. The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the American Stock Exchange (AMEX), and NASDAQ did not open on September 11 and remained closed until September 17. When the stock markets reopened, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) stock market index fell 684 points, or 7.1%, to 8921, a record-setting one-day point decline. Consequence events in 2008 brought the disastrous bankruptcy of the banks posing recession that locked the economies of the world. Yet my worthy opponents have no keys to open this lock as they are crying over the foul past nugging attacks to be the consequence of us conspiracy.

With more than 1 million people injured and dies in attack there was much more to add to the misery.Not only the spread of anthrax a chemical disaster that rose from the debris of the place causing asthma, cancers made a huge imprint of bad physical health.

Evacuations of large buildings in major cities around the nation started soon after the towers in New York started crumbling. This clearly helped to bolster the psychological impact of the attack maing people tensed and worried.

Similar effects were created by the discrimination against the Sikhs and the Muslims that have settled in states. There were acts of vandalism and brutual extorment of the people, questioning that led not in decline of such cynical acts but definitely an increase in it. Moreover resentment amongst people maligned the brotherhood.

Locking the health of the people physically socially and mentally.

In retrospect, the Millennium marked only a moment in time. It was the events of September 11 that marked a turning point in history, where we confront the dangers of the future and assess the choices facing humankind. It was a tragedy. An act of evil. From this nation, goes our deepest sympathy and prayers for the victims and our profound solidarity with the American people. We were with you at the first. We will stay with you to the last.

There is another lock of unity that all nations as this that was united to voice against the terrorism. but impact of it was short lived due to forseeing discrimination in the states.

Last but not the least comes my master lock the lock of war……..

United nations after the attacks was boiling to revenge the attack thus bush and tony blairs united forces brought up the 2003 debacle of Iraq war. Under the namesake of war for freedom 3 million people were brutually killed and whole of Iraq was turned upside down. Under former president bush there was a worldwide dominancy exhibited by America. As the super nation did what it want fulfilling its aim to control the oil fields…..and fnally the blood shed let it win for what the 9/11 attacks were made… they say hold the ear this way or that way work shall be served.

Before I rest my motion I have something to quote…..

“ Bleeding piece of earth spreads its arms pray to the authorities what has happened has happened why do u restore my children even more to my arms, why am I getting soiled by bloodshed, please relieve my agony and lend me peace so that I can soothe who rest on me”

In nutshell what has happened has happened than discussing the past effects to term attacks as consequence we need to cure what it makes the cause of several events.

Thank you


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