Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Posted by Barleen at 1:54 PM

When I walk a mile I am tired

I see the milestone still forty miles to go

I feel desperate in my heart

Shall I make it or shall I not

My destiny lies far off

The road is dry dusty and hot

The heat is wrecking my spirit

Still I carry on wondering shall I or shall I not?

Will I reach the garden of bliss?

Will I get it or will I miss?

My spirit is drooping with the sun.

But I know I will rise again.

Somewhere beyond the horizon

And filled with hope that one day

I shall reach that garden of bliss and joy

And repeat the reward of hard toil


coolboydipesh on June 29, 2010 at 8:13 PM said...

Nice one to start...
although i believe that you need to post only once. :-)

Barleen on June 30, 2010 at 10:27 AM said...

ok it was jut a malfunction rather an error....

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