Wednesday, June 30, 2010

If life was a computer

Posted by Barleen at 10:29 AM

If only life could be like a computer

If you get your life messed up your life,you could press “alt,delete,ctrl” and start all over

To get the daily exercise just click on run

If you need a break on your life just click on suspend.hit any key to continue life when ready

To get even with the neighbours turn up the sound blasters

To add or remove someone in your life click the settings and the contol panel

To improve your appearance just adjust the display settings

If life gets too noisy turn off the speakers

If you loose your car keys click on find “help with the chores is just a click away

You could use your diskette to recover from a trash and we could click on “send now” a pizza would be on its way to you.

You could hit the minus sign and reduce your size!!(i utterly require it)..........


Unknown on July 8, 2010 at 9:25 PM said...

gr8 job!!imagination upto no bounds!!
excellent..luking forward to more new exciting articles.. :) :)

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